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- Version 11 - July 11, 1994
- Please send corrections, information and/or comments to:
- Larry Landweber
- Computer Sciences Dept.
- University of Wisconsin - Madison
- 1210 W. Dayton St.
- Madison, WI 53706
- lhl@cs.wisc.edu
- FAX 1-608-265-2635
- Include details, e.g., on connections, sites, contacts, protocols,
- etc.
- Thanks to the many people from around the world who have provided
- information. This version (postscript, ditroff, text forms, maps in
- postscript) and earlier versions may also be obtained by anonymous
- ftp from ftp.cs.wisc.edu in the connectivity_table directory.
- In the following, "BITNET" is used generically to refer to BITNET
- plus similar networks around the world (e.g., EARN, NETNORTH,
- GULFNET, etc.).
- Col. 2 (Entities with international BITNET links.)
- b: minimal, one to five domestic BITNET sites, 18 entities
- B: widespread, more than five domestic BITNET sites, 34 entities
- Col. 3 (Entities with international IP Internet links.)
- I: = operational, accessible from entire open IP Internet, 75 entities
- Col. 4 (Entities with domestic UUCP sites which are connected
- to the Global Multiprotocol Open Internet.)
- u: minimal, one to five domestic UUCP sites, 59 entities
- U: widespread, more than five domestic UUCP sites, 70 entities
- Col. 5 (Entities with domestic FIDONET sites which are
- connected to the Global Multiprotocol Open Internet)
- f: minimal, one to five domestic FIDONET sites, 27 entities
- F: widespread, more than five domestic FIDONET sites, 62 entities
- Col. 6 (Entities with international X.400 links to domestic
- sites which are connected to the Global Multiprotocol Open
- Internet).
- o: minimal, one to five domestic X.400 sites, 8 entities
- O: widespread, more than five domestic X.400 sites, 23 entities
- An entity is a geographical area that has an ISO two letter
- country code (ISO 3166). These country codes are included in
- the Table below for each entity (Cols 8-9). Note that the ISO
- codes do not always agree with the top level DNS (Domain Name)
- code(s) used for a particular entity.
- Network connections have been reported but not confirmed to
- Bangladesh, Jordan, and Mongolia and so are omitted from the
- table. Activity is underway to connect Lebanon, Guyana, and
- St. Vincent and the Grenadines but no definitive information
- has been received. Haiti has an email link but it does not fit
- into any of the categories of the table.
- ----- AF Afghanistan (Islamic Republic of)
- ----- AL Albania (Republic of)
- -I--- DZ Algeria (People's Democratic Republic of)
- ----- AS American Samoa
- ----- AD Andorra (Principality of)
- ----- AO Angola (People's Republic of)
- ----- AI Anguilla
- -I--- AQ Antarctica
- --u-- AG Antigua and Barbuda
- BIUF- AR Argentina (Argentine Republic)
- --U-- AM Armenia
- ---f- AW Aruba
- -IUFo AU Australia
- BIUFO AT Austria (Republic of)
- b-U-- AZ Azerbaijan
- --u-- BS Bahamas (Commonwealth of the)
- b---- BH Bahrain (State of)
- ----- BD Bangladesh (People's Republic of)
- --u-- BB Barbados
- b-UF- BY Belarus
- BIUFO BE Belgium (Kingdom of)
- --U-- BZ Belize
- ----- BJ Benin (People's Republic of)
- --Uf- BM Bermuda
- ----- BT Bhutan (Kingdom of)
- --Uf- BO Bolivia (Republic of)
- --u-- BA Bosnia-Herzegovina
- --uf- BW Botswana (Republic of)
- ----- BV Bouvet Island
- BIUFO BR Brazil (Federative Republic of)
- ----- IO British Indian Ocean Territory
- ----- BN Brunei Darussalam
- bIUF- BG Bulgaria (Republic of)
- --U-- BF Burkina Faso (formerly Upper Volta)
- ----- BI Burundi (Republic of)
- ----- KH Cambodia
- --u-- CM Cameroon (Republic of)
- BIUFO CA Canada
- ----- CV Cape Verde (Republic of)
- ----- KY Cayman Islands
- ----- CF Central African Republic
- ----- TD Chad (Republic of)
- BIUF- CL Chile (Republic of)
- -Iu-O CN China (People's Republic of)
- ----- CX Christmas Island (Indian Ocean)
- ----- CC Cocos (Keeling) Islands
- BIu-- CO Colombia (Republic of)
- ----- KM Comoros (Islamic Federal Republic of the)
- --u-- CG Congo (Republic of the)
- --u-- CK Cook Islands
- bIuf- CR Costa Rica (Republic of)
- --uf- CI Cote d'Ivoire (Republic of)
- -IuFo HR Croatia
- --U-- CU Cuba (Republic of)
- bI--- CY Cyprus (Republic of)
- BIUF- CZ Czech Republic
- BIUFO DK Denmark (Kingdom of)
- ----- DJ Djibouti (Republic of)
- ----- DM Dominica (Commonwealth of)
- --Uf- DO Dominican Republic
- ----- TP East Timor
- -Iu-- EC Ecuador (Republic of)
- bIU-- EG Egypt (Arab Republic of)
- ----- SV El Salvador (Republic of)
- ----- GQ Equatorial Guinea (Republic of)
- ----- ER Eritrea
- -IUF- EE Estonia (Republic of)
- ---f- ET Ethiopia (People's Democratic Republic of)
- ----- FK Falkland Islands (Malvinas)
- --u-- FO Faroe Islands
- -Iu-- FJ Fiji (Republic of)
- BIUFO FI Finland (Republic of)
- BIUFO FR France (French Republic)
- --u-- GF French Guiana
- --u-- PF French Polynesia
- ----- TF French Southern Territories
- ----- GA Gabon (Gabonese Republic)
- ----- GM Gambia (Republic of the)
- --UF- GE Georgia (Republic of)
- BIUFO DE Germany (Federal Republic of)
- --uF- GH Ghana (Republic of )
- ----- GI Gibraltar
- BIUFO GR Greece (Hellenic Republic)
- -I-f- GL Greenland
- --u-- GD Grenada
- b-uf- GP Guadeloupe (French Department of)
- -I-F- GU Guam
- --u-- GT Guatemala (Republic of)
- ----- GN Guinea (Republic of)
- ----- GW Guinea-Bissau (Republic of)
- ----- GY Guyana (Republic of)
- ----- HT Haiti (Republic of)
- ----- HM Heard and McDonald Islands
- ----- HN Honduras (Republic of)
- BI-F- HK Hong Kong
- BIUFo HU Hungary (Republic of)
- -IUFo IS Iceland (Republic of)
- bIUfO IN India (Republic of)
- -IuF- ID Indonesia (Republic of)
- b---- IR Iran (Islamic Republic of)
- ----- IQ Iraq (Republic of)
- BIUFO IE Ireland
- BIUF- IL Israel (State of)
- BIUFO IT Italy (Italian Republic)
- --u-- JM Jamaica
- BIUF- JP Japan
- ----- JO Jordan (Hashemite Kingdom of)
- --UF- KZ Kazakhstan
- ---f- KE Kenya (Republic of)
- --u-- KI Kiribati (Republic of)
- ----- KP Korea (Democratic People's Republic of)
- BIUFO KR Korea (Republic of )
- -I--- KW Kuwait (State of)
- --U-- KG Kyrgyz Republic
- ----- LA Lao People's Democratic Republic
- -IUF- LV Latvia (Republic of)
- ----- LB Lebanon (Lebanese Republic)
- --u-- LS Lesotho (Kingdom of)
- ----- LR Liberia (Republic of)
- ----- LY Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
- -I-f- LI Liechtenstein (Principality of)
- -IUFo LT Lithuania
- bIUFo LU Luxembourg (Grand Duchy of)
- -I-F- MO Macau (Ao-me'n)
- --u-- MK Macedonia (Former Yugoslav Republic of)
- --u-- MG Madagascar (Democratic Republic of)
- ---f- MW Malawi (Republic of)
- bIUF- MY Malaysia
- ----- MV Maldives (Republic of)
- --U-- ML Mali (Republic of)
- --u-- MT Malta (Republic of)
- ----- MH Marshall Islands (Republic of the)
- ----- MQ Martinique (French Department of)
- ----- MR Mauritania (Islamic Republic of)
- --uf- MU Mauritius
- ----- YT Mayotte
- BIuF- MX Mexico (United Mexican States)
- ----- FM Micronesia (Federated States of)
- --uF- MD Moldova (Republic of)
- ----- MC Monaco (Principality of)
- ----- MN Mongolia
- ----- MS Montserrat
- ----- MA Morocco (Kingdom of)
- --Uf- MZ Mozambique (People's Republic of)
- ----- MM Myanmar (Union of)
- --Uf- NA Namibia (Republic of)
- ----- NR Nauru (Republic of)
- --u-- NP Nepal (Kingdom of)
- BIUFO NL Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
- --u-- AN Netherlands Antilles
- ----- NT Neutral Zone (between Saudi Arabia and Iraq)
- --U-- NC New Caledonia
- -IUF- NZ New Zealand
- -Iu-- NI Nicaragua (Republic of)
- --u-- NE Niger (Republic of the)
- ---f- NG Nigeria (Federal Republic of)
- --u-- NU Niue
- ----- NF Norfolk Island
- ----- MP Northern Mariana Islands (Commonwealth of the)
- BIUFO NO Norway (Kingdom of)
- ----- OM Oman (Sultanate of)
- --U-- PK Pakistan (Islamic Republic of)
- ----- PW Palau (Republic of)
- bIuF- PA Panama (Republic of)
- --u-- PG Papua New Guinea
- --u-- PY Paraguay (Republic of)
- -IUf- PE Peru (Republic of)
- -IuF- PH Philippines (Republic of the)
- ----- PN Pitcairn
- BIUF- PL Poland (Republic of)
- bIUFO PT Portugal (Portuguese Republic)
- bIUF- PR Puerto Rico
- ----- QA Qatar (State of)
- -Iu-- RE Re'union (French Department of)
- BIuf- RO Romania
- BIUF- RU Russian Federation
- ----- RW Rwanda (Rwandese Republic)
- ----- SH Saint Helena
- ----- KN Saint Kitts and Nevis
- --u-- LC Saint Lucia
- ----- PM Saint Pierre and Miquelon (French Department of)
- ----- VC Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
- --u-- WS Samoa (Independent State of)
- ----- SM San Marino (Republic of)
- ----- ST Sao Tome and Principe (Democratic Republic of)
- B---- SA Saudi Arabia (Kingdom of)
- --Uf- SN Senegal (Republic of)
- --u-- SC Seychelles (Republic of)
- ----- SL Sierra Leone (Republic of)
- BIuF- SG Singapore (Republic of)
- bIUF- SK Slovakia
- -IUFO SI Slovenia
- --u-- SB Solomon Islands
- ----- SO Somalia (Somali Democratic Republic)
- -IUFO ZA South Africa (Republic of)
- BIUFO ES Spain (Kingdom of)
- --U-- LK Sri Lanka (Democratic Socialist Republic of)
- ----- SD Sudan (Democratic Republic of the)
- --u-- SR Suriname (Republic of)
- -I--- SJ Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands
- --u-- SZ Swaziland (Kingdom of)
- BIUFo SE Sweden (Kingdom of)
- BIUFO CH Switzerland (Swiss Confederation)
- ----- SY Syria (Syrian Arab Republic)
- BIuF- TW Taiwan, Province of China
- --u-- TJ Tajikistan
- ---f- TZ Tanzania (United Republic of)
- -IUF- TH Thailand (Kingdom of)
- --u-- TG Togo (Togolese Republic)
- ----- TK Tokelau
- --u-- TO Tonga (Kingdom of)
- --u-- TT Trinidad and Tobago (Republic of)
- bIUfo TN Tunisia
- BI-F- TR Turkey (Republic of)
- --u-- TM Turkmenistan
- ----- TC Turks and Caicos Islands
- ----- TV Tuvalu
- ---F- UG Uganda (Republic of)
- -IUF- UA Ukraine
- ----- AE United Arab Emirates
- bIUFO GB United Kingdom (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
- BIUFO US United States (United States of America)
- ----- UM United States Minor Outlying Islands
- -IUF- UY Uruguay (Eastern Republic of)
- --UF- UZ Uzbekistan
- --u-- VU Vanuatu (Republic of, formerly New Hebrides)
- ----- VA Vatican City State (Holy See)
- -IU-- VE Venezuela (Republic of)
- --U-- VN Vietnam (Socialist Republic of)
- ----- VG Virgin Islands (British)
- ---f- VI Virgin Islands (U.S.)
- ----- WF Wallis and Futuna Islands
- ----- EH Western Sahara
- ----- YE Yemen (Republic of)
- --uf- YU Yugoslavia (Socialist Federal Republic of)
- ----- ZR Zaire (Republic of)
- ---f- ZM Zambia (Republic of)
- --uf- ZW Zimbabwe (Republic of)
- Copyright 1994 Lawrence H. Landweber and the Internet Society. Unlimited
- permission to copy or use is hereby granted subject to inclusion
- of this copyright notice.